Sunday, August 8, 2010

Scavenger Hunt

Lesson Objective:

      1.     Using the web scavenger hunt, students will access the websites provided by correctly using the URL, read the web page with grade appropriate understanding, and define 5 of the vocabulary terms from the chapter. (Bloom’s Taxonomy: Knowledge, Comprehension) 
      2.     Using the web scavenger hunt, students will understand the basics about bacteria and viruses. (Bloom’s Taxonomy: Comprehension)
      3.     Using the web scavenger hunt; students will develop a chart that distinguishes the differences and similarities between viruses and bacterium. (Bloom’s Taxonomy: Application, Analysis)
      4.     Using the web scavenger hunt, students will decide and defend their stance on the use of vaccinations. (Bloom’s Taxonomy: Evaluation)

California Content Standard:

  1. Science 9-12. 10. d. Students know there are important differences between bacteria and viruses with respect to their requirements for growth and replication, the body’s primary defenses against bacterial and viral infections, and effective treatments of these infections.
  2. Science 9-12. 10. c. Students know how vaccination protects an individual from infectious diseases.
  3. Writing 9-10. 1.4 Produce legible work that shows accurate spelling and correct use of the conventions of punctuation and capitalization.
  4. Reading 9-10. 1.1 Identify and use the literal and figurative meanings of words and understand word derivations.

Subject Matter and Grade Level: Biology 10th Grade

Web Resources:

  • Biology for Kids- Fun way to do describe microbes with definitions-
  • Microorganisms- new world encyclopedia -
  • How viruses work- discovery health -

Questions for Research:

Web Hunt A
1.      Define the following terms: prion, pathogen, facultative anaerobe, bacteriophage, nitrogen fixation.
2.      What is the difference between heterotrophic and autotrophic microbes?
3.      What are the 3 basic shapes of bacteria?
4.      What is conjugation? 
5.      What is the difference between a lytic and lysogenic infection?
6.      What are three ways to control bacteria? 
7.      Create a chart listing at least 4 characteristics of viruses and bacterium and 4 similarities.
8.      Essential Question: What is a vaccine? And Based on the “Issues in Biology” section of your book (pg 484), and the websites given what is your stance on widespread vaccination?

Web Hunt B
  1.      Define the following terms: virus, prophage, antibiotic, prokaryote, obligate aerobe, nitrogen fixation.  
  2.      What is needed in order for cyanobacteria to use sunlight as their energy source? 
  3.      What are the 4 basic parts of the virus?
  4.      What is binary fission?
  5.      What is a lytic infection?
  6.      What are three important areas in which bacteria are helpful?
  7.      Create a chart listing at least 4 characteristics of viruses and bacterium and 4 similarities.
  8.      Essential Question: What is a vaccine? And Based on the “Issues in Biology” section of your book (pg 484), and the websites given what is your stance on widespread vaccination?

Web Hunt C

  1.     Define the following terms: capsid, retrovirus, viroid, obligate anaerobe, and endospore.
  2.      Besides a nucleus what else is missing in prokaryotes?
  3.     What is the difference between binary fission and conjugation?
  4.     What is a lysogenic infection?
  5.     What part of the bacteria cell do antibiotics attack?
  6.     What are three ways that bacteria grow or reproduce?
  7.     Create a chart listing at least 4 characteristics of viruses and bacterium and 4 similarities.
  8.     Essential Question: What is a vaccine? And Based on the “Issues in Biology” section of your book (pg 484), and the websites given what is your stance on widespread vaccination?